
Akcija Zdruzenska is a non-profit organization established in July 2004 within the framework of the strategic transformation of Women’s Programme of the Foundation Open Society Institute – Macedonia. The work of the organization is based upon extensive experience in developing and implementing programmes for promotion of gender equality and women’s rights.

The mission of Akcija Zdruzhenska is to contribute to the advancement of gender equality, by advocating the development and implementation of public policies for achieving equal opportunities for women and men, social inclusion and respect women’s human rights. The organization has been determined to develop knowledge, skills and capabilities for identifying and addressing the specific needs of Macedonia in light of gender equality.

Founders and members of “Akcija Zdruzenska” are activists with broad knowledge of the situation of women NGO scene and developed capacities and skills in addressing the specific needs for their development into an influential movement. They come from different walks of life and various ethnic backgrounds and serve as key resource of Akcija Zdruzenska for implementing activities on the local community level.

Akcija Zdruzenska and its membership have adopted a number of principles that guide the organization such as: professionalism, accountability, solidarity, equal opportunities, transparency and cooperation.




  • Promotion of culture of gender equality and non-discrimination;
  • Promotion of responsible, transparent, and accountable governance in the area of gender equality and women’s rights;
  • Strengthening and support of women’s activism;
  • Building capacities and intensifying the public debate, dialogue and collaboration concerning the issues of gender equality and women’s rights

Key Activities of the organization have been designed to ensure that appropriate legal frameworks on gender equality and protection of women’s rights are put in place and fully enforced; and to empower women’s activists to hold governments accountable.

  • Collecting data, implementing and publishing gender analyses and research;
  • Developing and delivering training programmes, consultancy and providing information;
  • Publishing bulletins, brochures and other kinds of literature pertaining to gender issues and women’s rights;
  • Organizing public events and campaigns;
  • Cooperation with other relevant national and international organizations and institutions.

STATUTE of the Association for Advancement of Gender Equality AKCIJA ZDRUZHENSKA SKOPJE