On 25-27.06.2010 in Hotel Alpina, Mavrovo was organized second two days workshop on topic “Developing monitoring framework for the implementation of the Law on Equal Opportunities of Women and Men on local level” for 21 representatives of the monitoring teams from 11 NGOs. The purpose
The Association of Citizens “Akcija Zdruzhenska” on 21.12.2010 in hotel Holiday Inn, Skopje, organized a forum on the topic “The effectiveness of the existing practices for monitoring and assessment the progress in implementation of the specific policies on gender equality in Republic
The Association of Citizens Akcija Zdruzenska on 25 January 2011 in Hotel Holiday Inn, Skopje organized a conference “Implementation of the Law on Equal Opportunities of Women and Men within the local self government of the Republic of Macedonia”. On the conference were presented the
Shadow report is prepared by the Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of woman of RM-ESE and Association for Gender Equality Akcija Zdruzhenska.