On 29.03.2009 were promoted 7 young women trainees who were trained under
the Project Training for Trainers for young Roma activist in Macedonia
that was implemented by Akcija Zdruzenska in the period March-December 2008. The
project goal was to strengthen the Roma women’s movement in Macedonia by
creation of permanent training and advocacy resource.
The main objective of the project was development of a pool
of several young Roma women, skilled to transfer specific knowledge and skills
for advocating Roma women’s rights in Macedonia.
The program was announced to young Roma women students or NGO
activists aged 18-28, with strong commitment and previous knowledge and/or
experience specifically related to Roma women. After the information was
distributed by publishing a call for applications in daily newspaper, as well as
through the networks and NGOs 16 girls applied and 12 of them were chosen. Three
main criteria for final selection were the commitment and interests to work as
trainers on gender issues and women’s rights, knowledge and/or experience in
implementing projects and training potentials.
The training program was delivered through:
Three 3- days training modules with the duration of three
days, covering the following topics:
Gender relations, women human rights, history of
women’s movement, key issues for Roma women in Macedonia;
Advocacy and lobbying;
Communication and negotiation.
One 4- days module for practicing delivery skills
Between the modules, different assignments were given to
trainees, designed to encourage to use and practice skills and knowledge gained
during the training which will lead them to better understanding the content as
well as training design. They were also strongly encouraged to exchange useful
information and resources, develop team spirit and creativity.
After these 4 module training the trainees had opportunity to
practice the training delivery in pairs, by organizing 3 one day workshops and 1
two days workshop for Roma NGO activists. They had opportunity to select the
topic, design the content, identify participants, and deliver sessions under
supervision and assistance of the member of the team of trainers of Akcija
Consultancy and assistance for clarification or responding to
any questions that occurred between the training modules related to its content
were continuously offered to the trainees. In addition, a resources of library
of Akcija Zdruzhenska were also on their disposal.
After completion of the TOT 7 trainees gained knowledge for:
Understanding of the process and the specific
contexts of developing gender identity and social roles, and the
consequences of this process on the unequal share of power in society;
Understanding women’s position in society with
special emphasis on Roma women;
Knowledge on negotiating and advocacy on gender
issues within the Roma civil sector and governmental institutions;
Skills for training design and delivery on the topics
in accordance to the participants needs.