WITT represents a regional network of organizations working in the sphere of
education of women activists from women’s organizations in the light of using
information technologies.
Akcija Zdruzenska is a contact organization and implementation partner in
Macedonia for the regional WITT Project that encompasses South East European
Increasing women activists’ awareness regarding the benefits of ICTs
skills for their personal and professional development;
Strengthening the knowledge and skills of women activists for the use of
Increasing possibilities for their mutual connection and joint action.
Key activities:
Research on ICTs in order to determine the level of knowledge and skills
for the use of ICTs within women’s NGOs and determining the need for
developing programs for improving knowledge and skills owned by members of
women’s NGOs;
Organizing and participating on regional meetings of the WITT women
trainers – TEE (Training Exchange Event). Meetings are organized in the
function of promoting the WITT Project, promoting the WITT website,
providing information on activities undertaken within the project, exchange
of knowledge and skills related with WITT, as well as involvement of new
members in the project, i.e., network building among women participants from
South East and West Europe;
ICTs training in the light of capacity building of women’s
non-governmental organizations by acquiring specific knowledge and skills
for the use of ICTs in their everyday work, improving communication and
exchange of information with other NGOs;
Updating WITT’s website (Macedonian section) in order to exchange
information and articles related with ICTs on Macedonian language;
Establishing and updating FEMINET – national mailing list of women
activists from Macedonia;
Continuous technical support by means of consultations and assistance
for organizations that have participated on training seminars in order to
monitor their development and continously assess the training effects;
Cooperation with other relevant institutions and organizations in the
function of promoting ICTs as a strategic tool for upgrading the information