Duration: 24/11/2014 – 24/11/2016 Source of funding: European Union IPA Cross Border with Kosovo
Objectives: To establish a cross-border network of women organizations active in gender mainstreaming at local and regional level. Specific objectives of the action include: Empower local NGOs to forward the gender mainstreaming agenda; Raise organizational capacities of local women organizations in the project covered area; Technical assistance in exercising watchdog functions; Improve local and national media coverage of women-related topics.
Expected Results: Raised capacities of women organizations in the project area; Improved quality of data and effective dissemination of the same; Facilitated exchange of experiences and networking across borders to addressing common concerns; Produced practical tools for day-to-day operations such as the manual on gender policies at EU level and utilized at both central and local advocacy initiatives. In the long run, the action is expected to strengthen the women rights agenda both in Kosovo and Macedonia and reduce capacity differences between centred and periphery organizations.