On 24.12.2007 in the office of Akcija Zdruzhenska was held a workshop on
witch representatives and coordinators of CEO of ten communities were invited. A
few workshops with these communities have already been held, where the base of
the content of the programs of the Commissions was pointed out.
Aim of the workshop was evaluation of the results from the activities which
Akcija Zdruzhenska took in order to improve the gender equality on local level.
More specific this evaluation was pointed to the content of the programs of the
CEO for 2008.
The main conclusion is that quality of the programs depends of the level of
their development. There are still Commissions which don’t recognize the basic
gender concepts.
According to our and representatives of the Commissions evaluation who were
present, this workshop gave them an opportunity to see what is missing and how
to supplement and change the content of the programs.